
Friday 8 May 2015

Video of Shalfleet Parish Annual Meeting 6-5-15 now online!

Please find below the video of Wednesday's Parish Annual Meeting split into two sections for your inconvenience (it needed two video tapes).

There were some interesting views expressed.  I was intrigued by one councillor's opinion that we shouldn't give Bibles to the children at the C of E Shalfleet Primary School on leaving since they come from Christian families and they will already have one at home.  I was wondering about this since the meeting.  Might we take this argument a little further?  If the families are really good Christians then surely they know the Bible so they won't have one at home?  Who needs a copy of a book you've already read and your grandparents have on the bookshelf?  Better still, online.  I almost never read my hard-copy Bible now, much easier online.  Or perhaps what our little Christians need is a copy of the Koran to better appreciate other religions?  Unabridged copies in Arabic? Or the Beano? Or the latest version of Trivial Pursuit?

Personally I can't see why the Parish Council is giving anything to the school children on leaving.  Many of the Parishioners I know drive less opulent motors than those I see on the school run so why can't their devout mummies and daddies give Bibles to their offspring?  At a recent Parish Council meeting where the children were invited a show of hands revealed that almost all the tots come from Totland, two parishes distant, with only one or two tots from Shalfleet! So why are the Parishioners of Shalfleet paying £300, around 1% of their entire precept, for Bibles for Totland totties?

Below are the two video sections for your entertainment.  May I wish you a Happy New Government and the prospect of the local Council Elections looming over the next hill!  You can rest assured that normal taxation services will continue as usual; who ever heard of Government with Taxation?

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